WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Vape Juice Reviews

Loaded E-Juice Flavors Review

Loaded E-Juice Flavors Review

Loaded E-Juice crafts excellent e-liquids with quality in mind. This company brings forth some serious dedication in the form of a desire to solve any issues that a business can have in the vaping industry. With the e-liquids that Loaded has been producing and shipping out all over the world, it’s not hard to see that this company is one of the majors in the vaping industry. These juices bring on entirely new levels of flavor and the brand’s drive is nothing short of admirable. When all is said and done, we see that Loaded E-Juice is at the forefront of this industry, leading it with a team of people exhibiting a level of passion that is not seen in any other e-juice craftsman we’ve come across.

These flavors are serious and Loaded is not afraid to bring forth new flavors and improved flavors alike. Whether the company is focusing on developing innovative flavors that blast vapers’ taste buds into a total state of ecstasy or taking flavor profiles of other brands and making them even more incredible than anyone could have ever possibly imagined, Loaded is a legend in this game for a reason. If it’s Loaded, you can bet that it’s a flavor worth tossing in your tank and you’ll likely be vaping on it all throughout the day without hesitation!

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I Love Salts E-Juice Flavors Review

I Love Salts E-Juice Flavors Review


Mad Hatter Juice has come out with a new line of e-liquids that crafts an entirely new level of greatness with smokers in mind. The I Love Salts E-Juice line is an innovation all in its own amidst the countless incredible flavor profiles Mad Hatter’s team brings to vapers across the world. This LA-based e-juice legend decided to bring its own flavors to the table, infusing this line with the nic salts that pair beyond well with all their flavor profiles.

For smokers looking for an effective e-juice to quit smoking, Mad Hatter Juice has come up with the I Love Salts E-Juice line. Harsh throat hits are known in the vaping industry and with the introduction of nicotine salts, we’re seeing a major shift in what vapers throw in their tanks. This company puts forth its best e-liquids with vapers’ needs in mind, ensuring the I Love Salts brand is one that gives every vaper precisely what they need: excellent flavor profiles and heightened nicotine levels without the harsh throat hits.

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Salty Man E-Juice Flavors Review

Salty Man E-Juice Flavors Review

Quitting smoking is now easier than ever with Salty Man E-Juice. This brand is showcasing 12 incredible flavor profiles that give every vaper multiple flavors they can enjoy on a daily basis. The company focuses on bringing forth complex blends that they create using nicotine salts. When comparing this to the harshness that comes with using liquid nicotine, it’s easy to see why Salty Man E-Juices are a favorite among vapers all across the globe.

Salty Man prides itself in being the go-to e-liquid for people who are looking to stop smoking. While vaping alone aids smokers in ending their bad habits, Salty Man e-juice brings forth the higher nicotine levels that heavy smokers need without forcing them to deal with the notorious harsh throat hit. The key is in the nicotine salts. As a company that dedicates itself to helping smokers put down tobacco for good, Salty Man crafts flavor profiles that satisfy the tastes of everyone, providing options with high levels of nicotine while avoiding the harshness that comes with liquid nicotine

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Humble Juice Vape Flavors Review

Humble Juice Vape Flavors Review

With thousands, if not millions, of e-juices on the market today, we’re seeing the importance of standing out amidst the flavors more and more each day. It’s easy for a company’s flavors to get lost amidst the masses. But Humble Juice has taken their humble beginnings and used that foundation to forge an empire.

And Humble Juice’s success did not come solely because of their affordable prices. The company places emphasis on hard work without cutting corners. Simply put, Humble Juice’s dedication to delivering the purest vaping juices available to vapers across the globe today puts them at the forefront of the e-liquid industry.

The Humble Juice brand is one vapers trust because of the care that’s put into every flavor profile. They start out by developing and crafting their flavor profiles, completing vigorous product testing and retesting. Through this process, the best flavor profiles are found and sent out for more tastings. Only then are the flavors finally chosen.

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5 Refreshing E-Liquid Flavors for the Summer Season

5 Refreshing E-Liquid Flavors for the Summer Season

Throughout the year, people wake up early to clock in, ready for a hard day’s work and eager to make their dreams come true. With such fast-paced lifestyles, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by everything that you need and want to do.

Summer is a time to reward yourself with a well-deserved break. Now that it’s finally here, it’s time to sit back and relax with our unique collection of e-liquid flavors. Whether you’re going to the beach, planning a road trip with friends, or just chilling out at home, make the most of this season by stocking up on our well-loved e-juices.

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